Monday, January 25, 2010

Photographic Vision and Creativity

PHOTOGRAPHIC VISION - So many aspiring photographers can't wait to jump into the latest gear and are anxious to make incredible images...however, being inexperienced, they lack the vision to "see" or pre-visualize the picture prior to snapping the shutter. I've long taught there are three musts in photography; being technically competent with your equipment, knowledge of basic composition and understanding the light. But there's a fourth important point and that is vision - the ability to "see the picture" and creativity - the ability to "create something original".

I've recently discovered travel and assignment photographer, David DuChemin, who has released a set of eBooks - most of which cover the topic of photographic vision, craft and creativity. The whole set is just $30 and the proceeds for the first 1000 sales goes towards building a couple new classrooms in Kenya. His blog is here: and the eBooks may be purchased here:

Highly recommended.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Undiscovered Country, by Gary Hart

I discovered a very inspirational and uplifting book by fellow nature photographer, Gary Hart, who's located in the Sacramento area. The photography mainly covers the west and his images are really superb. Editor Jacqueline Vary contributed the classic American inspirational poetry to accompany each group of images. Available through Barnes & Noble, ISBN 978-1-56731-967-5, hard cover, 112 pages, $10. It's a real bargain!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Grey Owl - The Movie

Sheila and I have been categorizing and organizing all our many videos as a result of the big house remodel. As an outcome, we ended up with a pile of "unknown" and unwatched videos that we have been reviewing together. There was one I wanted to recommend to you - Grey Owl, with Pierce Brosnen. Now, if you really think about it, the front cover showing Brosnen dressed up like a native american seems ludicrous and we probably snatched this VHS tape off some bargain bin long ago only because he's one of our favorite actors.

But, let me just say that this was one of the more interesting finds in all our bargain bin shopping! I won't divulge the ending, but the movie relates a true story about one of the first environmentalists in Canada. The language and sexual content isn't too bad and the story line seems realistic. Brosnen and the other cast members play honest and believable roles. The critics from Rotten Tomatoes (RT) gave it a thumbs down, yet the regular viewers from both RT and Amazon both loved it. Directed by Richard Attenborough - 1999 and available in DVD from NetFlix or resellers at Recommended.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Everyone's talking about it - Social Media Marketing!

Social Media Marketing (SMM), that is, marketing and public relations via social Web sites as Facebook, MySpace, blogging, on-line video and podcasts, are becoming the preferred tools for today's smart marketing or PR person. These new tools are especially important to those of us who are entrepreneurs, consultants or owners of small (especially niche) businesses.

There's been a big swing from so-called, interruption marketing - that is, TV/radio commercials, and blanket (non-targeted) ads by companies hoping to interest people in buying their more social, personal approaches where the general public is able to interact directly, and more informally, with the companies seeking their business.

I'm currently reading the brand new book out by David M. Scott, The New Rules of Marketing & PR (2nd Ed.), published just this year (ISBN 978-0-470-54781-6, 270 pages). Scott says that the Web has changed all the old rules of marketing and PR. Things like "marketing meant advertising and branding, the need to appeal to the masses, interrupting people to get their attention, advertising is "one-way" to consumer, advertising was all about selling products, dependancy on "the media" to feature your products, and on and on.

With the Web and associated blogging, user groups and things like Facebook, all those old ideas are out the window. The new rules include: (from the book) "marketing is more than just advertising, PR is for more than just the mainstream media audience, you are what you publish, people want authenticity - not spin, people want participation - not propaganda." Scott also makes the point that companies need to drive the purchase decision through "great online content." Blogs, online video, e-books, news releases, etc., are of more interest to people trying to make a purchase decision.

Scott has divided the book into three major sections; How the Web has changed the rules of marketing and PR, Web-based communications to reach buyers directly and an Action plan for harnessing the power of the new rules.

As I get through the book, I'll continue to add additional points, but for those of you who running small businesses, or are consultants, etc. this is a "must have" addition to your library. Highly recommended.

New Facebook Page

Well, I've joined the 21st century and created a Facebook page...both for myself (contains general info, not necessarily photo-related) and for my company, Kenneth Wyatt Photography, which will include a much bigger focus on photography, good locations, photo tips and other references.

Personal Facebook Page

Kenneth Wyatt Photography

Please join either, or both!