Thursday, January 07, 2010

New Facebook Page

Well, I've joined the 21st century and created a Facebook page...both for myself (contains general info, not necessarily photo-related) and for my company, Kenneth Wyatt Photography, which will include a much bigger focus on photography, good locations, photo tips and other references.

Personal Facebook Page

Kenneth Wyatt Photography

Please join either, or both!


  1. Great blog. Love your photos, too.

    Question -- Doesn't Facebook's TOS prohibit anyone from having two Facebook pages (i.e., a personal and a business page)? Of have they changed that policy. If they have, I can't find the new verbiage.


  2. Hi Don, I don't know the answer to that. However, I recently spoke with a couple well-known photographers who have the same setup. It seems you can't have a fan page unless you have a personal page to start with. But I'll look into it more.

  3. Hi Don, I don't see a prohibition against personal and fan pages in their agreement. I run into photographers all the time who have dual pages. Thanks for bringing up the possibility, though.
