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Midwest Tour - 5/16/09
The irises are in bloom here in Indiana and are one of my favorite flowers to photograph. Bob and I took some time during this afternoon to try out our macro lenses on some of the subjects around his yard. A morning rain had eased and you can still see raindrops in the flower. This shot was taken handheld - a risky maneuver, as it takes a steady hand to keep everything sharp. I used an aperture of f11 at shutter speed of 1/125th and ISO of 400, which -just- captured the center of this red iris with good sharpness (I was very lucky!). The best technique is to turn AF off, compose and focus manually, then using breath control, rock back and forth slowly until all is focussed properly. Holding the depth of field preview button during the process will aid in determining the right time to trigger the shutter.
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