I'm afraid this was my day today - no pretty pictures. After reorganizing the contents of the trailer (we kind'a threw everything in). I spent the remaining day and evening processing images I took of a local physical trainer in Colorado Springs. He's rather unique, in that he uses Russian kettle bell weights for his training regimen - primarily focusing on the training requirements for lacrosse players. That's a 50-pound weight he's holding in the air, by the way. He's working on a book project and I took a series of photos (in 8 frame/second bursts) of each of his exercises. The white backdrop helps me in selecting him during the extraction process. After the author selected about 180 images, I'm now extracting him from the background using Photoshop - -and extracting...and extracting...! It takes a steady hand and lots of patience! Really glad I brought my graphics tablet along, as I'd hate to do all the extractions with a mouse! I'll be working on finishing up this project in the next week, but hopefully will find the time to get a few more interesting travel pictures for you.
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