Thursday, October 29, 2009
Picture of the Day - 10/28/09

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Picture of the Day - 10/27/09

Picture of the Day - 10/26/09

Picture of the Day - 10/25/09

Picture of the Day - 10/17/09

Picture of the Day - 10/16/09
Picture of the Day - 10/15/09

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Picture of the Day - 10/14/09

Picture of the Day - 10/13/09

Picture of the Day - 10/12/09

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Picture of the Day - 10/11/09

Hi All, today was a very special day! Several months ago, a few of us from Brookhurst Elementary School started to reunite via phone calls and email. The size of the group expanded gradually as we discovered others through Facebook, Classmates and diligent Google searching. One thing led to another and we decided to meet face to face on the day after our high school reunion at one of our favorite hangouts, Marie Calender's Restaurant. We were also able to locate two of our favorite teachers, Bev Kulp and Frank Noe (lavender and blue outfits below), and presented them with signed thank you cards. Many of us not seen each other in nearly 50 years! It was a great time for all as judged by the constant exchange of memories form that period in our lives. One of us organizers even managed to locate a store selling period candy of that era! People who found out what we were up to simply couldn't believe we were actually having an elementary school reunion!
Picture of the Day - 10/10/09

Hi All, Tonight we attended our 40th high school reunion at the Prego Ristaurante in Irvine. There was a handful of people I knew and a whole lot more I didn't, but we had fun catching up with friends from the past. I was pleased to run into one of my favorite teachers, Mrs. Marlys Autry, who taught me English. I must have done pretty well, as she remembered me. She was happy to discover I now write for a living, as well as doing my photography, of course. I surprised her with one of my signed prints.
Picture of the Day - 10/9/09

We attended the local Okoberfest at the Phoenix Club in Anaheim tonight with family members Jack and Irene. I've been fortunate to have attended the "real" one in München (Munich), Germany and this one tonight is quite authentic - only a single "beer hall", though, instead of a dozen. The beer hall is under a humongous tent - largest I've ever seen. It could probably have covered 2-3 family-sized homes. The inside had long tables with an "umpah" band at the end (no tuba, though). Outside the main tent were several booths selling traditional German foods as well as gifts and souvenirs. Pictured above is a cook preparing potato cakes. Below that is an interior shot of the beer hall with the band and dancing.
I love to shoot travel photos in available light, because it avoids that artificial look when using flash. I simply open up the aperture all the way and increase the ISO to 800 or 1600 and fire away. Setting your white balance for incandescent light (in this case) helped render more accurate colors, but if shooting RAW format, this may be adjusted in post-processing.
For more information on the München Oktoberfest (largest in Germany), click on: http://www.oktoberfest.de/en/. This year was their 176th!
Picture of the Day - 10/8/09

Today was the last leg of our trip to California. We had stayed the night in St. George, Utah, and I had a few errands to run this morning - which took me to the older part of downtown. I had parked on Main St. just off Saint Gearge Blvd. and noticed this water trough system along the sidewalk. Looking more closely, I realized it traveled most of the length of the street, which is slightly sloped downhill. This "Water Walk" arts project of random cascades and flowering plants was a joint effort by the City of St. George and the Utah Arts Council. Lovely!
Picture of the Day - 10/7/09 (START - CA Trip)

Sheila and I are off to California for a couple weeks to visit family and friends. My 40th high school reunion is this Saturday and - amazingly - several of us from elementary school have been reuniting via the internet and many of us will be meeting each other for the first time in about 50 years! Next week, we'll head up to visit sister Sue in North Fork and long-time friend Keith in Nevada City.
Sheila and her mom had left two days earlier to spend some time with our daughter, Linda, and husband, Robb, in Grand Junction. I met up with them today and we left one vehicle at their house and piled into the Explorer. Just prior to meeting them, I stopped for a break at the Hanging Lake rest stop off I-70 in Glenwood Canyon and discovered the creek flowing from Hanging Lake with just a touch of fall color showing.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Picture of the Day, Sept. 30, 2009 (BONUS)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Colorado Fall Color - Sept. 27, 2009 (END)

Colorado Fall Color - Sept. 26, 2009

Colorado Fall Color - Sept. 25, 2009

Colorado Fall Color - Sept. 24, 2009

Today, I woke up at 3:30 AM in order to drive out to Maroon Bells for the sunrise. There were 40 other photographers lined up along Maroon Lake in order to capture the reflection - and this, on a Thursday morning! The clouds muted the sunrise quite a bit, so the Bells weren't quite as striking as normal. I decided to leave early and scouted around for nice-looking aspen trees. Very often, it pays to "take the road less traveled". I discovered an unmarked side road as I left the Maroon Bells area. This side road led to a trail, which led me to this path in amongst a beautiful aspen grove. I followed the path a ways and it took me deeper into the grove - a lovely way to spend the morning. The path reminds me of Robert Frost's 1920 poem, and a lesson I try to live. This afternoon, I moved the trailer to Gunnison in preparation for a photo tour I'm leading over the weekend.
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth
Then took the other as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet, knowing how way leads onto way
I doubted if I should ever come back
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood
And I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference
Robert Frost
Colorado Fall Color - Sept. 23, 2009

Colorado Fall Color - Sept. 22, 2009

As this was a travel day today, there were no pictures taken, so I dipped back into the images of the last two days and chose one taken by friend, Bob. This was also taken at the spot overlooking Bear Lake on the 20th. What really struck me was the intense reds and oranges in the aspen leaves, as well as the rich greens of the lake and browns of the tree trunk. The composition is balanced well and the rocks serve as an anchor at the bottom. If you want to get my attention, use lots of color! Bob did well here. Note this was taken with a Panasonic compact camera. It's not the camera folks, it's the one holding the camera!
Colorado Fall Color - Sept. 21, 2009

Colorado Fall Color - Sept. 20, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Midwest Tour - 5/31/09 (END)

Well, this brings us all to the end of our little midwest tour. We spent the last day with son, Chris, in Ft. Collins. While waiting for him, Sheila and I decided to take a short bike ride along one of the many bike trails in the SW part of town. As I passed a small wetland area, I saw this red-winged blackbird (have no idea where it got that name!) and made this photograph with my little Canon SX110 IS, which I'm starting to take everywhere with me. I even managed to capture a little highlight in the eye, which is a compositional plus.
I'd like to thank everyone who traveled with us on our journey! Until next time, au revoir.
Midwest Tour - 5/30/09

Midwest Tour - 5/28/09

Midwest Tour - 5/27/09

Midwest Tour - 5/23/09

Midwest Tour - 5/22/09

Midwest Tour - 5/21/09

Midwest Tour - 5/20/09

Ahem, actually, this is a shot of red food coloring dropped into a fish aquarium of water. I let her use my Canon 5D with 100mm macro lens to shoot upward towards the water's surface. A white shelf board was propped up behind to provide a uniform background. Lynn told me this was a "project for school", but I believe it was really her creative side at work. The image was processed with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Pretty cool abstract!
Midwest Tour - 5/19/09

Midwest Tour - 5/18/09

Midwest Tour - 5/17/09

As a break from iris photography, I elected to document the lowly maple seed. Here's one propped on some magnolia leaves for a contrasting background. Maple seeds are truly unique in that they form almost a perfect auto-rotating helicopter as they descend from their perch high in the tree. The ground here is littered with them.
As a diversion, here here are some links about maple seeds:
How to Make an Auto-rotating Maple Seed from Paper: http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/TRC/Aeronautics/Maple_Seed.html
Exploring Science and Design with a Maple Seed: http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~jwmills/EDUCATION.NOTEBOOK/maple/maple.html
The Journal of Maple Seed Science: http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~jwmills/EDUCATION.NOTEBOOK/journal/journal.html
Probably more than you needed to know about maple seeds!
Midwest Tour - 5/16/09

Midwest Tour - 5/15/09

Midwest Tour - 5/14/09

Midwest Tour - 5/12/09

Midwest Tour - 5/10/09

Midwest Tour - 5/9/09

In a past life, I was a Scoutmaster of a troop of Boy Scouts in our home town of Woodland Park. Over the weekend, we had an opportunity to visit with one of my Eagle Scouts, Karl, who's just wrapping up his Ph.D. work at the University of New Hampshire in Dover. He is researching the chemical makeup of the atmosphere and has developed a real-time sampling system which can analyze pollutants in the atmosphere very quickly from moving aircraft. Here we are posing in his favorite burrito restaurant in downtown Dover following our lunch there.
From there, we're off to visit elementary school buddy Mike, wife Karen and son Thomas - also near Dover.
Midwest Tour - 5/8/09

Midwest Tour - 5/6/09

Midwest Tour - 5/5/09
Midwest Tour - 5/3/09
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Midwest Tour - 5/2/09

Although Sheila and I have been on the road for two weeks, I'm just now getting a chance to send out a few pictures. I apologize for the delay, but it's been rather hectic. The plan for this trip was to drive out to good friends Bob & Mary's place in Indiana - then fly from Dayton to Manchester, NH, where we stayed at the home of the owner (Lee) of my new consulting company. I'll be helping Lee with his four days of seminars and then I'll give mine the next Monday. During the weekend, we drove out to see one of my Eagle Scouts and an old friend from my elementary school - both in Dover, NH. After my seminar Monday, we'll fly back to Indiana to complete our visit with Bob and Mary - visiting the world-renowned Dayton Hamvention (ham radio gathering). From Bob's, we'll travel to up to Ann Arbor, MI, for the wedding for the daughter of good friends Bob & Joyce, then back to Bob & Mary's and off to Oklahoma to visit my cousin Mike and his wife, Wanda - then head back to Colorado in time for our regional ham radio convention in Estes Park! Confused? I had to record a detailed itinerary to be sure we were in the right place at the right time!
The picture below is of a black-headed chicadee sitting next to a fake bird on a birdhouse. This was just outside the visitor's center on I-270 just north of St. Louis. We ended up staying the night just east of here. Otherwise, it was "the rolling hills of Kansas" most of the day.
Picture of the Day - 4/1/09 (END)

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