Well, who would have thought another abstract would have made the picture of the day! This one was purely an accident. I was trying to go for a "drive by shooting" of a bunch of aspen trees in Revelstoke NP and the angle was such I had to shoot more out the side of the car, rather than forward. Sheila was driving and I had a very narrow window of opportunity in order to avoid Sheila's head and the structure of the vehicle. The shutter speed was also just a 13th of a second. I ended up increasing the contrast slightly and boosting the saturation a bit. It almost has a "Monet-like" feel to it.
What really caught my eye was the fact the right-hand portion is relatively sharp, while the left 3/4 is increasingly blurry. I'm not sure I could ever duplicate this shot! Obviously, the three aspens on the right were stationary relative to the panning of the lens and movement of the vehicle.
We're camped tonight at (Canada's) Glacier NP, just short of Jasper and Banff NPs. While this is high-season, there were plenty of camp spots left. It was a little overcast and rainy as we entered the the mountains, but the rest of the week is supposed to be sunny. One other thing that struck me as odd was that despite the fact we're literally in the middle of nowhere at the edge of the Canadian Rockies, I'm getting enough of a telephone signal to hook into the Internet and send these emails!
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