We spent the morning at the Tulsa Air & Space Museum. Although small compared to some of the larger air museums, I was impressed with the many operational simulators they had collected. These included an F-14 video-based flight simulator, a wind tunnel flight simulator and a simulator for the remote arm on the space shuttle. I got to play with all these and, although my flight skills were very rusty, I never crashed! The remote arm had me picking up a round cylinder and placing it in a round hole. Similarly with a square shaped block. The controls were a couple of joysticks and the only feedback I had was a couple of small video monitors. The control panel was a duplicate of that on the shuttle. The two docents were quite impressed with my skills - space shuttle, here I come! At least they didn't have me try placing the square peg in the round hole! : )
The rest of the day was spent relaxing and chatting with cousin Mike and wife Wanda. They are such a fascinating couple! Mike buys items at local auctions and resells them on the EBay auction site. I love to take portraits of people using natural lighting, but I liked this silhouette the best as he's working at the computer. I also converted the remaining color portions to B&W. Not enough people smoke pipes these days!
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