This may be a long posting. Sheila and I visited the Creation Museum near Cincinnati, OH today with friend Bob. The museum is the brainchild of Ken Ham, originally a Christian missionary to the U.S. (imagine that!). Ham is originally from Australia and has been speaking to churches and engaging in public debate on evolution, and related topics, for several years. The museum contains a collection of scientific evidence that supports a "young" earth (~6000 years old), a worldwide flood (Noah and the ark) and that the earth was, indeed, formed in a literal six days as described in the Book of Genesis by the God of the Bible.
This picture from one museum display is a fossil of the "last meal of a perch" (Mioplosus) collected from the well-known Green River Formation in SW Wyoming. It is on loan from William and Agnes Minnich, Wayne, NJ. There are many other examples of vertebrates (such as this perch, birds and dinosaurs) and invertebrates (such as jellyfish) and insects that were basically "frozen" within seconds by some cataclysmic event. I've also seen pictures of fossilized fish in the middle of giving birth! The theory of evolution says these creatures were buried over millions of years and fossilized. But the question in my mind is "wouldn't flesh and bone rot or get eaten long before they were covered and fossilized over millions of years?" I suspect "millions of years" is an incorrect interpretation of the physical evidence. If interested, there are more interesting questions below. We had a great time at the museum and if you're in the Cincinati area, be sure to check it out!
Following is a reply I made to a recent posting in my good friend, Jere Joiner's blog (http://pikespeakpolitics.blogspot.com/):
Jere states, in part: "Setting aside the seven days, today's scientific explanation of how the universe was formed (Big Bang, etc.) follows precisely the way it’s described in the book of Genesis. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Science and religion used to be on the same page. They will be again some day."
My reply (basically in agreement with Jere's posting):
I believe science and religion ARE on the same page, and always have been. It's just man's interpretation of the evidence through the years and liberal society's suppression of a Supreme Being and Creator that's dismissed this evidence.
There's a huge amount of recent scientific evidence - primarily geological and astronomical - that only makes sense if you are open to considering a "young earth" (~6,000 years), a worldwide flood and creation occurring over six days. Unfortunately, this evidence (of course) remains unpublished in the popular media. Many stalwart scientists are starting to admit there must have been a Supreme Creator of the universe.
Check out the following link for more info. Their store sells several scholarly books on this subject.
By the way, the Big Bang Theory has largely been dismissed by most scientists; both creationists and evolutionists. However, this has also not been published in the media.
To whet your curiosity (and those of your readers) here are a few items that can't be easily explained by "millions of years" or evolution.
1. Fossilized fish in the middle of a bite (fish in fish's mouth) - something occurred rapidly to kill them (flood?)
2. Fossilized fish in the midst of giving birth - ditto above.
3. Fossilized tree trunks clearly cutting across distinct geologic strata - like that could happen through millions of years!
4. Fossilized cone shells in the Grand Canyon strata all pointing the same way - a fast occurring flood? Normally, they point in random directions.
5. Human footprints along with dinosaur prints in the sandstone formation of an ancient creek bottom in Texas.
6. Fossilized jellyfish? Wouldn't they have decomposed long before pressure through "millions of years" would have fossilized them? Ditto with the fish examples above.
There are many other biological examples that are difficult to explain via evolution that I won't go into right now. However, the Second Law of Thermodynamics (systems degrade over time) is a biggie.
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